The Monster as it’s known to locals, comprises an intimidating complex of five high-density buildings, and prompts the question: are we aware of our own inner demons?


The Monster as it’s known to locals, comprises a complex of five high-density buildings, accommodating a population of over ten thousand individuals. As I stood within the U-shaped courtyard, gazing upwards, the structure loomed above and surrounded me, exuding an intimidating display of intricacy, perplexity, and disorder. Visions reminiscent of classic monster films such as Godzilla or Cloverfield flickered in my mind, yet in this instance, the building itself assumed the role of the antagonist. This prompts the question: who truly embodies the characteristics of a monster? Are we aware of our own inner demons and monsters? How do we allow them to shape and influence us? Do they govern our thoughts and words, or do we hold control over them?

As I photographed this towering structure, little did I know that it would hold a deeper meaning for me. It was only later that I discovered that this building reflected my own inner demons that I would have to confront and conquer to become the person I am today. Looking back, I realise that this photo was a symbol of my journey toward self-discovery and personal growth. It's amazing how an image can hold so much significance and serve as a reminder of the challenges we've overcome.

To calm the somewhat chaotic structure a sepia-toned filter was applied, introducing uniformity. A stretch of red balconies has remained unaltered, serving as a tether to reality while simultaneously introducing an ominous element into the composition. A section of the building has been replicated and merged with the converging pinnacle of the scene, further accentuating its dominance. The angle at which this image was captured enables the viewer to perceive the entirety of the structure, enticing them to visually ascend the levels and seek solace within the expansive light in the distance.

explore the rest of the capsule one series.